

Trachypterus arcticus

This is a long, flattened, deep water fish with a wide distribution in the Atlantic and northern North Sea. This species is found down to depths of 900m but frequents depths nearer the surface during the night.

Dealfish are usually found in the open ocean, occurring mainly in the upper or middle layers. They are rarely caught in demersal trawls. They are typically solitary fish but are occasionally seen in groups.

Dealfish have a long dorsal fin, usually spanning the length of the fish, which is a distinctive red colour. The body is silvery in colour with one to five dark spots along the upper flank. The head is generally small in comparison to the body which can be up to 300cm in length.

Data sources: Collins, Fish of Britain and Europe

Caught in 2014





Specimen details

A dealfish was caught by the Guiding Light on 5th March 2014 at a depth of 70 fthm, it was a female specimen which measured 102cm long, 88cm fork length.

Caught in 2014


Specimen details

A dealfish was caught by the Guiding Light in January 2014, it was a larger female specimen which measured 174cm and weighed 7.45kg.

Caught in 2010


Specimen details

The dealfish caught by the Sondra measured 97 cm in length and was 32 cm from the dorsal (upper part of the fish) to the ventral (lower part of the fish) sides. The specimen was missing the head and there were several bite marks along the body suggesting the specimen was dead for some time before being caught.


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