Marine spatial planning


Map of Scotland

Shetland UHI staff have been carrying out Marine Spatial Planning since 2006. We developed 'The Shetland Islands Regional Marine Plan (SIRMP)' which is one of the most advanced Marine Spatial Plans in Europe. The SIRMP provides an overarching policy framework to guide marine development and activity out to 12 nautical miles. It incorporates authoritative spatial data on the marine environment, its various uses, and assets. The policies and maps in the SIRMP are used to determine marine licence applications within Shetland’s coastal and marine waters. The SIRMP provides a resource for all users of the marine environment including developers, planners, and regulators.

Services which we can provide include:

  • Advice and Support to Marine Planners
  • Site Location Analysis (e.g. Sullom Voe Harbour Master Plan)
  • Stakeholder Surveys
  • Mapping